Finance Options
Whether you want to pay on credit terms, lease, or rent to own, Acquire can help with all your IT financing requirements.
These options are only available for businesses and other organisations. For personal finance, check out Gem Visa, which can be used with Acquire.
Credit Terms
Acquire currently offers credit terms to over 3,000 local businesses to help streamline their IT procurement. If you already have an account with us, we can send you an application form immediately, otherwise you can request one when you register.
Leasing and Rent to Own
Sometimes it makes more sense to spread your IT expenditure out over a period of a few years, or even to lease the equipment so it can be upgraded regularly without the added cost of removal or disposal. Acquire is proudly independent which means we won't be pushing any particular solution onto you.
If you already have a finance partner in mind, Acquire is happy to work with them as needed. If you're after a recommendation, contact us and we'll sort you out.
Here are just some of the finance partners we work with to deliver the best solutions for our customers: